All credit union accounts now have a unique account identifier called a BIC/IBAN. This can be used if you want to set up a standing order or send an internet banking payment from your bank current account to your credit union account.
To do this, you will need your Bank Identifier Code (BIC) and International Bank Account Number (IBAN). These are listed on your credit union account book and also on deposit/transaction slips and these are unique to you.
You can amend the standing order through your own online banking system or at your own bank branch. All you need to do, is state your Credit Union BIC/IBAN details. All your transfer details will stay the same, you will just be using the new stand account identifier for the credit union.
Using your credit union BIC/IBAN makes payments into your credit union account from your current bank easy. You can transfer directly from your wages, social welfare from your bank into your credit union account for savings/loan repayments.