Individual Accounts:
Members can open an individual account when they join the credit union. They can also open an Eservices account where they can transfer funds electronically via BIC/IBAN in to their account.
Joint Accounts:
Two people can open an account together and can be joint signatories on the account
Group Accounts:
These accounts can be operated by clubs, associations, sporting organisations to lodge funds or apply for loans.
Specific Accounts:
Families, work colleagues, sports and social clubs open accounts such as these to save for specific purposes such as trips away, Christmas etc. These accounts are operated by representatives of the group.
Junior Accounts:
Minors up to the age of 16 years of age can open a Junior Account.
New Born Accounts:
This new incentive from Killarney Credit Union offers you the opportunity to open a New Born account for a child between 0 and 2 years and we will credit the account with €20. Terms and conditions apply.
eStamp Accounts
You can use your estamp account save small amounts regularly. You can set up a standing order for regular savings into your account.